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The Advantages of Playing Sport Together

By: Joanne Walker BA (hons) - Updated: 19 Sep 2010 | comments*Discuss
Play Sport Family Support Playing

When it comes to finding an activity that you can take part in as a family, the advantages of playing sport together are well documented and numerous.

Playing sport together will improve your level of sport and activity and it will also provide you with quality time together as a family, something which can be hard to come by in the busy and fast-paced world which we all currently inhabit. The advantages of playing sport together will also have positive repercussions on other areas of family life – your family members will be more likely to actively seek each other out to spend time with as they have a common interest.

Improving Your Sport

No matter how good you are as a family unit or how different the skill levels are of the individual members of your family, you will all have something to gain from playing sport together. If you take up a sport and play it with people to whom you are already close, such as your family, you will have a ready-made support group in the shape of them.

If you play sport with this support group then they will spur you on to better things and greater achievements. If you are having a hard time and not succeeding at something, then your family will be there to offer encouragement and words of support.

Of course, most families would be there for you anyway, regardless of whether or not they played the sport themselves, but having family members who understand the way the sport works makes it even better.

Taking this one step further, if family members’ ability levels differ that much, the better members may be able to offer coaching tips and advice to the members who are struggling. With this built-in coach, the ability levels of everyone will rise. Training with someone who is better than you is also a good idea top help improve your level of play and your family members can offer this as well.

Improving Your Family Life

Within one family there can be several very different people. And although most families love and care for one another, it is inevitable that sometimes there will be occasions when the members do not have any shared ground. But take up a sport together and this will change. You will be able to communicate far more effectively with one another, as you will have the shared interest of sport.

If you actually play and practise together as well, you will be spending time with your family doing something which is improving you socially and physically – much better than simply sitting in front of the TV after dinner every evening.

These are just some of the main advantages of playing sport together. The health benefits of playing sport at all are also worth taking into mind – especially if you have one family member who needs to change their habits but is reluctant too. In this case, playing sport together could provide them with the motivation they need to change their way of life as well and become a fitter and healthier person into the bargain.

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