Exercise with Purpose...
Below are our articles on the subject of Exercise with Purpose. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Calorie Burning Exercises
Some typical examples of how many calories are burnt during exercise...

Children's Self Esteem
The ways in which sport and exercise can be beneficial to children's self-esteem...

Fitness Ideas for Older Family Members
Ways in which family members of all ages can become involved in sport...

Individual Sports versus Team Sports
An overview of the respective advantages of team sports and individual sports....

Introduce Competition in Active Recreation
The ways in which keeping score in training sessions can benefit participants....

Quality Time for you as a Couple
Why finding a sport you both enjoy is a good way of developing quality time as a couple....

Quiz: Which Sport is Best for Me?
A short quiz to find out how best to play to your strengths when choosing a sport....

Teamwork - a Skill for Life
The reasons why it is important to equip your child with teamwork skills through playing sport....

The Advantages of Playing Sport Together
The ways in which a shared interest in sport can benefit your family....

The Community Aspect of Playing Sport
Why playing sport alone is a bad idea, and why the community side of sport is so vital....

The Importance of Supporting Each Other
Why a family's support is so vital for those who play sport at any level....

Training for a Goal Together
Why training for a specific goal with someone else is better than doing it alone....

Walking or Cycling to School Safely
Safety measures you can take in order to ensure your child's journey to school is the safest it could possibly be....

Warming up and Cooling Down: Build Good Habits
The different ways of warming up and cooling down and why they are important for all types of exercise....