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The Importance of Eating Breakfast

By: Joanne Walker BA (hons) - Updated: 20 Dec 2010 | comments*Discuss
The Importance Of Eating Breakfast

The importance of eating breakfast cannot be over-stated. It is, quite simply, the most important meal of the day. Breakfast sets you up for the whole day and without eating it, many problems can arise for both children and adults. So, to make sure that your whole family gets the very best possible start to the day then make sure they all eat breakfast when they get up.

Fuel For The Day

Breakfast is your fuel for the day ahead. The very word itself tells you of its importance – it is the breaking of the fast your body has endured overnight. If you then try to do a full day’s work or study without breaking this fast then you will quickly start to feel tired and lethargic.

You should try to make sure your breakfast, however light, is something which will continue to release energy until lunchtime and enable you to do your job to the best of your ability. The weak feeling which will come from not eating breakfast will not help you to perform tasks – either mental or physical. And without fuel for your body, you will start to feel tired more quickly.

Stopping Snacking

As well as being fuel, the other reason breakfast is so important is that by eating it, it will stop you snacking on more unhealthy items throughout the morning. Even if you tell yourself you are not hungry in a morning, you can guarantee that sitting at your desk, you will become ravenous. This is where the temptation to grab a chocolate bar or piece of cake sneaks in. Before you know where you are and what you are doing, you have consumed more calories and more fat than breakfast would have contained – and you still don’t feel full because all you have managed to eat is rubbish.

If you genuinely do not have time or are not hungry before you leave the house, then keep a box of cereal and a bowl at work. But milk each Monday morning and get into work ten minutes early so you can enjoy your breakfast at your desk.

What To Eat

What you eat for breakfast will depend on what you like, how hungry you feel and how much spare time you have. But generally, try and make sure it is some kind of food which releases energy steadily throughout the day. Porridge is good for this as are eggs, so an omelette is never a bad choice of breakfast. Try to avoid plain white toast as there is little nutritional value in it. Instead, if you are short of time, go for a bowl of muesli or some other high fibre cereal.

Without breakfast, your body cannot function properly. There is no getting away from that. So, to make sure you make the most of every day and work to your full potential every day, always eat breakfast. It does not matter whether you have a manual, physical or mental job, all of these functions are impaired by a lack of fuel. So take the time to eat breakfast every day and in the long term, your body will thank you for it.

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